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Casco Cup vs FlipDisc: How to Choose

Which Product is Right for Me?

There isn’t just one reason why women all over the world are switching to menstrual cups  and discs— there are dozens. For some, it’s because Casco Cup and FlipDisc are way more comfortable than anything they’ve tried before. (We mean it—check out our reviews.) For others, it’s a great way to reduce one’s environmental impact in a world with billions of menstruating women.

But that's not why you're here, is it? You want to know which one is going to be the best fit for you and your day-to-day life. No one can make that decision except YOU, but here are some key details about our products to help steer you in the right direction.

Please keep in mind that we are not doctors, so we can’t give you medical advice. This is just some information we’ve gathered to help you learn more about your options. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please visit your nearest urgent care facility or call your local emergency services.

Casco Cup

Casco FlipDisc

Is it comfortable?



Does it hold more than a tampon?



How long can I wear it?

Up to 12 hours

Up to 12 hours

Can I wear it during sex?



Can I wear it while I exercise?



Can it auto-dump ?



Here are a few more things to consider before you make your decision:

  • Both the cup AND the disc have a learning curve. If you have never used one before, it will take time and practice before you feel totally comfortable with your new insertable. Leaks and messes can be part of that learning curve!
  • The FlipDisc is designed to sit much higher up than the Casco Cup–while the cup sits towards the bottom of the vaginal canal, the disc gets tucked right up against the cervix, behind the pubic bone.

Have any other questions? Please reach out to us at and a member of our team will reach out to you as soon as we can.